Original article

How the vagus nerve produces beat-to-beat heart rate variability; experiments in rabbits to mimic in vivo vagal patterns

Author(s): John Karemaker

Reviewer(s): Anonymous reviewer 1

Original article

IL-23 and IL-17 are not involved in hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury in mouse and man

Author(s): Pim B. Olthof / Rowan F. van Golen / Megan J. Reiniers / Milan Kos / Lindy K. Alles / Martinus A. Maas / Joanne Verheij / Thomas M. van Gulik / Michal Heger

Editor(s ): Yao Liu

Reviewer(s): Anonymous reviewer 1 / Narci Teoh

Experimental surgery Hepatology

Original article

Osteosarcoma cell proliferation and migration are partly regulated by redox-activated NHE-1

Author(s): Hua Bai / Guojing Chen / Congwen Fang / Xuekang Yang / Sixun Yu / Chunxu Hai

Reviewer(s): Anonymous reviewer 1 / Krzysztof Zablocki

Free radicals Oncology


Antibacterial photodynamic therapy: overview of a promising approach to fight antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections

Author(s): Yao Liu / Rong Qin / Sebastian A. J. Zaat / Eefjan Breukink / Michal Heger

Editor(s ): Rowan van Golen

Reviewer(s): Michael Hamblin / Dirk-Jan Scheffers

Microbiology Photochemistry and photobiology


The effect of exercise training on disease progression, fitness, quality of life, and mental health in people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy: a systematic review

Author(s): Johanna Lopez / Erika Richardson / Eduard Tiozzo / Laura Lantigua / Camilo Martinez / George Abreut / Troy Prendergast / Steven E. Atlas / Andrew R. Pangilinan / Serena M. Ferris / Ana H. Martinez / Janet Konefal / Judi Woolger / Anna M. Ray / Herbert Gustavo Simões / Carmen Silvia Grubert Campbell / John Eugene Lewis

Editor(s ): Rowan van Golen

Reviewer(s): Emerson Pardono / Babara M. Taylor