Hae-Ra Han*, Scott Choi, Jinhee Wang, Hochang Ben Lee
Han et a. J Clin Transl Res 2021; 7(6):1
Published online: October 30, 2021
Background and aim: To test the feasibility and acceptability of a dementia literacy intervention for Korean American (KA) elders with dementia and their caregivers: K-PLAN (Preparing successful aging through dementia Literacy education And Navigation).
Method: Twenty cognitively impaired Korean elders (Clinical Dementia Rating 1+) and their caregivers participated in a pilot trial to receive the K-PLAN intervention, which consisted of 1-hour dementia literacy education followed by monthly phone counseling sessions and navigation assistance for three months by a trained bilingual community health worker. Outcomes of interest were linkage to medical services for dementia evaluation (KA elders) and dementia literacy, social support, self-efficacy in dementia care, depression, and quality of life (caregivers). Using a one-group pre- and post-test design, all ten dyads were followed up at 12 weeks.
Results: The K-PLAN intervention was highly feasible and acceptable. We were able to retain all twenty participants over the study period (100% retention rate). Additionally, 100% of the caregivers would recommend the program with an overall satisfaction rating of 9.7 on a 1–10-point scale. Three of the elders (30%) were linked to medical services for dementia by medical record review. The effect sizes for caregiver outcomes ranged from 0.4 to 0.7 in absolute value.
Conclusion: Dementia literacy intervention has potential to promote linkage to medical services for dementia evaluation and early diagnosis among linguistically isolated KA elders, while improving caregiver psychological outcomes. Studies with larger sample sizes, comparison groups, and cost-effective analyses are needed to inform the application of K-PLAN in diverse community settings.
Relevance for Patients: Early diagnosis of dementia can help preserve functional status. Promoting dementia literacy and linkage to health services through community-based programs such as K-PLAN may enable underserved racial/ethnic minority communities to make timely follow-up for dementia evaluation and care planning.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.07.202106.001
Author affiliation
1. The Johns Hopkins University, School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD, United States
2. The Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, United States
3. Inha University, Department of Nursing, Incheon, Republic of Korea
4. Korean Community Service Center of Greater Washington, Annandale, VA, United States
5. University of Rochester, School of Medicine, Rochester, NY, United States
*Corresponding author
Hae-Ra Han
The Johns Hopkins University, School of Nursing, Bloomberg School of Public Health, 525 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, MD 21205, United States
Tel: 410-614-2669
E-mail: hhan3@jhu.edu
Handling editor:
Michal Heger
Department of Pharmaceutics, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Department of Pharmaceutics, Jiaxing University Medical College, Zhejiang, China
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